It was time for a change
(Knob - Michaels)
This got it all started:
It was in a local antique shop and had been for months. I found it dusty and neglected on the floor and when I first saw it 10 months ago, it reminded me of this:
Kirsten Hollister, Oprah's design contest winner in 2006 had this in her home and I always liked it. For many years I have been on the lookout for it.
My Mom thinks I should paint the brown trim... but I kind of like it right now.
To balance the sudden infusion of a new tone, I brought in a few similarly coloured items:
( Sid Dickens "The Winged Messenger")
My two favourite pictures:
Both of these were gift cards from Sid Dickens ( This amazing Canadian artist does memory blocks, I'm lucky enough to have a few.
One new item from Wellington,
(beautiful floor mat at an amazing price)
and the new tone worked.
Who knows, in a few months I may tire of brown and paint the mirror but for right now, it stays brown.